Textile Recycling

Effective November 1, 2022 all textiles are prohibited from the trash and must be placed into a textile recycling drop box or brought to another drop off, such as a local Salvation Army Thrift Store.

Did you know that 95% of all textiles can be recycled or reused? The average person throws away more than ten pounds of used clothing every year. Unwearable or unsellable items can be recycled into wiping cloths, insulation, and stuffing.

Every town transfer station in Franklin County has a textile recycling drop box. There is a county-wide textile collection on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chapman/Davis municipal parking lot in downtown Greenfield.

The items listed below can be stained, ripped, broken, missing buttons or mates, but must be DRY.

Bedding: Comforters, Jackets Socks
sheets, pillow cases, Jeans Stuffed Animals
pillows, blankets Jerseys Suits
Belts Pajamas Sweaters
Bibs Pants Sweatpants
Boots Purses Sweatshirts
Coats Shirts Table Linens
Curtains/Drapes Shoes Ties
Dresses Shorts Towels
Flip Flops Skirts T-shirts
Hats Slippers Undergarments

More information:

FCSWMD Program Director Amy Donovan's column in the Fall 2022 edition of Going Green: https://view.publitas.com/the-recorder/going-green-fall-2022/page/8-9

RecycleSmart newsletter about Textiles Recycling and the new MassDEP waste bans effective November 1, 2022: https://bit.ly/3QNukMB

Greenfield Recorder article based on FCSWMD press release, November 2022: /files/FCSWMD_Textiles_article_Recorder_11-22.pdf