
Effective November 1, 2022 all textiles are prohibited from the trash and must be placed into a textile recycling drop box or brought to another drop off, such as a local Salvation Army Thrift Store. Clothing, sneakers, shoes, boots, slippers, belts, ties, purses, pillows, bedding (comforters, sheets, blankets), table linens, stuffed animals, and draperies/curtains can be placed in donation boxes, or brought to Salvation Army stores. These textile items can be in almost any condition, as anything not deemed appropriate for the charities' stores will be sold to a textile recycler. Moth-eaten, torn, and stained fabrics are all acceptable. However, all items must be CLEAN and DRY. Textiles info sheet.

Every municipal transfer station in Franklin County now hosts a textile drop box. Items should be bagged.

Worn-out clothing can also be used at home for rags.

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