Recycling is available to all District residents at the Clean Sweep Collection or Greenfield Transfer Station. Under state law, printers with a flatbed must be recycled properly with e-waste. Disposal is available for residents of Bernardston, Colrain, Conway, Deerfield, Montague, New Salem, Orange, Rowe, Warwick, and Wendell at their towns' transfer stations. There may be a disposal fee.
Staples is accepting computers, monitors, laptops, printers, faxes, and all-in-ones at all of its stores for proper recycling. Staples will recycle any manufacturer's products, regardless of whether or not the items were purchased from Staples, and there's a limit on the quantity that can be recycled. Check with your local Staples or go to for more detailed information. Also Best Buy accepts many electronic items for proper recycling. Check with for more detailed information.
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