
Steel and aluminum are the major metals in our everyday lives and both are easily recyclable. Recycling one aluminum can saves the energy equivalent of one cup of gasoline. That adds up fast: recycling eight 24-packs of soda is the energy equivalent of filling a 12-gallon gas tank! To recycle beverage cans or food cans, simply rinse them and place in Container recycling. For more details about recycling metal containers, see Reduce/Reuse/Recycling.

Larger items like appliances can be taken to your local transfer station as scrap metal, to WTE Metal Recycling in Greenfield, to the Clean Sweep Collection, or to the Greenfield Transfer Station. What transfer stations will accept varies from town to town; you can either look for your item by name on this page (for instance, "stove") or click on the "Town Info" page. If you don't find your item listed, please call the Solid Waste District Office at (413) 772-2438 (MA Relay for the hearing impaired: 711 or 1-800-439-2370 TTY/TDD) or email us.

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